"Onew Oppa"

yach,,,walaupun semua temend2 q bilang nie Basiiii. sebenarnya udah tau lama,tapi ga da waktu z buat posting nie berita. dan aku tetep mau posting d'blog q yang tersayang nie. Onew sunbae shock ampe pingsan waktu d'kbs MB gara2 lampu setnya jatuh. siwon dan kyu hyun oppa sempat menghindar, tapi onew sunbae nggak sempat. kasian bgt dech aq ngeliatnya, Onew sunbae na haengbokha gilbarae!!!!!!!!.... Onew sunbae fighting!!!!!

"Kim Bum and Kim So eun"

ternyata kisah cinta mereka d'film BBF berlanjut d'kehidupan nyata!!! OOOoooooouuuchhhh!! senengnya aq kalau mereka sampai pacaran,ternyata do'a ku selama ini d'kabul kan. I wish Kim Bum oppa and unnie So Eun haengboghke!!!


I was happy, the times I spent with you
Perhaps it was difficult for you
Its not as if i didnt know how u really felt
I felt it as well

Letting you go, Letting you leave me
I can't get used to it yet
I can't help but resent you for having no other choice

[Why didnt you say anything
Or was it that you couldnt
Did u even think of me at all
If you liked me, if you loved me
If you were going to end it this way
Why did you say those words?

Do i have to hate you
Or do i have to blame myself
If i can turn back the time
I only have thoughts of returning to the past

I wont ask again
If you want to leave me
Dont look back as you leave
I wont shed any tears
It will only weaken my heart
Your shape is getting blurry as you walk away from me
I must be crying

I know will miss you greatly
I guess i have to suffer through it
So that i can forget you
I dont ever want to love again
I want to give my last love to you who turned away from me
I wish you happiness
I hope you meet a better man than me


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