Sunset in ..... ?
Matahari selalu datang untuk menyinari kita. Dia datang dikala fajar menyingsing dan terbenam dikala senja mulai tampak. Aku seorang gadis cacat yang duduk di kursi roda, setiap harinya aku hanya duduk dikursi roda dan mengarah ke jendela kamar ku. Ketika fajar datang, aku bergegas mendorong kursi rodaku sampai di depan jendela kamar ku begitu juga bila matahari hendak terbenam. Aku sangat senang dapat melihat matahari terbit dan terbenam.
Terkadang aku berfikir kenapa aku terlahir begini ? Apakah aku tidak boleh beruntung seperti anak-anak seusiaku yang sedang menikmati masa remajanya,, datang ke sekolah memiliki banyak teman,,pulang bersama teman-teman bermain bersama dan memiliki seorang kekasih. Ketika semua itu terlintas di benakku aku hanya dapat tertawa dan berkata "Inilah takdir tuhan yang di berikan kepada ku". Aku juga ingin menjadi matahari yang selalu bersinar di pagi hari dan terbenam ketika senja tiba :') . Terima kasih tuhan kau masih memberiku nafas untuk hidup,,walau dengan segala kekurangan yang ku miliki.
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The sun always comes to light us. when the sun comes in at dawn and sunset when the twilight began to appear. I am a disabled girl who was sitting in a wheelchair, every day I just sat in a chair wheels and leads to my bedroom window. When dawn came, I rushed to push my wheelchair through the front window of my room, so also when the sun about to set. I am very pleased to be able to see the sunrise and sunset.
Sometimes I think why I was born this way? Would I not be lucky like my children's age who was enjoying his youth, came to school has many friends,, go home with friends, playing together and having a lover. When it comes to my minds, I can only laugh and say "This is the fate that god gave to me". I also want to be the sun that always shines in the morning and sunset when the twilight came: '). Thank god you're still gives me breath to live, even with all the shortcomings that I have.
Sometimes I think why I was born this way? Would I not be lucky like my children's age who was enjoying his youth, came to school has many friends,, go home with friends, playing together and having a lover. When it comes to my minds, I can only laugh and say "This is the fate that god gave to me". I also want to be the sun that always shines in the morning and sunset when the twilight came: '). Thank god you're still gives me breath to live, even with all the shortcomings that I have.
NB :: Story of someone who I have ever known
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