Samarinda is a capital city of East Borneo Indonesia, which have wide space and there is longest river in Indonesia called Mahakam river. In this river, the first dweller or if we can say it as a Mascot of the city live. It’s kind of  fish called “PESUT”. This animal has latin name “Orchaella Brevirostris”, is a kind of dolphin that just live in fresh water and only three rivers, there are Mekong river, Irrawaddi river and Mahakam river. Since early year 2000 this dweller was seldom to show itself in around the river.
The question in our mind is, “where are they now?”, “what’s wrong?”, and “what make them so seldom to look in around the river?” even we know that they live over  there. Based on database in 2007, the population of this animal left 50 tail and to occupy the highest Indonesia wildlife threat to destroyed. It had been 4 year ago, of course that population changing, such as increase or decrease or even totally destroy ?
Busy traffic in the Mahakam river and illegal bombing had become one of the causes dolphins gone to other safer places. This time, waiting for the government to return the dolphins in the Mahakam river is very impossible. Now only able to return to their respective self consciousness of the environment to maintain and preserve habitats, so as not to interfere in it.


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